Executive Insights

Narrativai aims to revolutionise the way businesses access, understand, and utilise critical qualitative and quantitative data by leveraging large language models, natural language search, generative AI, and data visualization tools.

Our goal is to create a new business operating system that eventually replaces traditional CRMs and BI tools, weaving together the narrative of your business, bridging communication gaps, and making organizations more efficient, agile, and competitive.


Traditional CRMs and BI tools struggle to provide real-time, actionable insights, and their complex interfaces require specialised training. They often overlook qualitative data, such as conversation transcripts and industry events, which are crucial for understanding the context behind quantitative data like revenue churn and customer surveys. As businesses scale and develop larger teams across multiple locations, communication silos emerge, increasing the risk of lost information and decreased efficiency.


Narrativai offers an AI-powered platform that automates data analysis, reporting, and communication. By integrating large language models, natural language search, generative AI, and data visualization tools, our platform transforms raw qualitative and quantitative data into meaningful narratives and insights, enabling better decision-making and fostering seamless communication across teams and locations.

MVP Features

  1. Conversational AI Interface: A user-friendly interface that allows users to ask questions and receive answers in natural language, simplifying the process of data exploration and analysis.
  2. Unified Data Analysis: Narrativai will combine qualitative data, such as conversation transcripts and industry events, with quantitative data, like revenue churn and customer surveys, to provide a holistic understanding of your business.
  3. Automated Reporting: Narrativai will automatically generate daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly business reviews, capturing relevant events and trends, as well as providing customer and prospect sentiment analysis.
  4. Cross-Departmental Communication: Narrativai will facilitate seamless communication across regional offices, departments, and teams, breaking down silos and ensuring that critical information is shared effectively.